Matt Dralle's RV-6 Project
Date: 11-26-2011
Number of Hours: 1.00
Manual Reference:
Brief Description: The Flyer Comes Home To Roost - Part 03
We taxied up and parked in front of Classic Aero's hangar and jumped out and headed in. Classic Aero is in a tan hangar with green trim just to the left of the large, old-timey hangar with the word "Albany" written on it. Inside, Luke and Jeremiah were feverishly putting the finishing touches on The Flyer. Luke decided to redo a couple of things to get the best possible fit on the new armrests, so they had a little bit of work to do still. I wandered around the shop and took some pictures. Luke has quite an operation there and I was pretty impressed with all of the pre-fabbed parts he keeps in stock.
Harry and I were pretty hungry about now, and Luke and Jeremiah told us about a new restaurant on the North end of the field that sounded a LOT better than the all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet on the South end of the field that we'd been planning on. We all agreed to let them finished up on The Flyer while Harry and I walked to the end of the field and got some lunch. It was a pretty fancy place and the food was quite good. I don't know why I didn't take a couple of pictures of it, but, I was hungry, I guess... ;-)
After munching a cheese burger, we walked back to the Hangar and found The Flyer was already pushed outside and ready to go! Yahoo! Luke was there and we looked it over one more time, shook hands, exchanged pleasantries, and then hopped in and headed out in a formation of two sweet RV-6's.
The trip home was as nice as the trip up was with good visibility and extremely smooth air. We were bucking a 10 knot head wind most of the way home, though, but we climbed up to 9500 ft where, according to the Garmin 696 weather report, it was predominately coming out of the West, minimizing the slow down. We touched down in Livermore at 5:05pm just as the sun was setting. We taxied over to the gas pump and were greeted with an icy-cold, 20 knot wind blowing. We missed the nice, clear, warm weather up in Oregon. Wait, what? :-)
Cont Next Log...
Getting Ready To Leave Livermore - Taxiing Out
Getting Ready To Leave Livermore - Matt & Harry
Enroute To Albany
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